
When you have properly downloaded source codes, you can now proceed with installation of dependencies and then installation of tool itself. Before installation, I really recommend to setup new Python virtual environment if you have not done this yet. You can find information about how to do in Virtual environment.

Install Spectrum downloader

First you have to install spectrum downloader. To install it you will have to clone the GitHub repository and invoke:

python3 install

in the newly clonned directory. For more information about Spectra downloader installation see its documentation GitHub.

Install mlpy

Spectra analyzer tool requires mlpy for the continual wavelet transformation function. This Python library is not published on PyPi (the one published there is the different package!). To install mlpy just follow the installation guide on SourceForge. Do not forget to install the GSL library together with header files or your compilation will fail. You can install this library on Linux systems using package managers (gsl-dev/gsl-devel).

Note that mlpy requires a specific version of numpy library. The specific version will be installed automatically when you follow next steps. The newer version of numpy library is currently not working with the latest version of mlpy library.

Install Spectra analyzer

Now when you have all unpublished dependencies installed you can use already created file to make the rest of installation really simple.

First navigate to the root directory of the spectra_analyzer tool. file should be in this directory too. Now you can invoke installation process by calling:

python3 install